Pegnitz station to become barrier-free

Pegnitz station to become barrier-free

For the barrier-free extension of the pegnitz train station, a positive decision could be made this year. "We see light on the horizon, said hartmut koschyk (CSU), member of the bundestag, at a site meeting with representatives of deutsche bahn and the federal and state governments in pegnitz on monday evening. Beforehand, stefan schell from the bavarian ministry of the interior had promised all those involved that the almost ten million euro barrier-free expansion could be included in the so-called bavaria package of the 2019 – 2025 demand tranche.

No quick fix

Herbert kolbl from deutsche bahn AG could not give much hope for a quick solution at the deadline. At present, there are no concrete plans on the part of the railroad for a barrier-free expansion, said kolbl. For the railroad, it is primarily a matter of preserving its existence. The railroad is tackling where the need is greatest in order to ensure operation. Pegnitz is also not currently included in the corresponding federal programs, according to hans-jurgen jacobs of the federal ministry of transportation. Federal funds are primarily earmarked to preserve the substance of the village.


The member of the federal parliament koschyk, on whose initiative the local meeting came about, described pegnitz as the "most transfer-intensive railroad station in bavaria, which is not yet barrier-free". With up to 4,500 passengers boarding and disembarking every day, the pegnitz train station plays an important role, according to gudrun brendel-fischer, a member of the state parliament, who described the station as particularly significant for the local school landscape, also in view of the new location for the university of applied sciences for justice.
The mayor of pegnitz, uwe raab, spoke of increasing commuter traffic, lively tourist use, but also of wheelchair users, people with walking disabilities and elderly people with walkers who use the station every day. The pegnitz train station is also the central arrival and departure point for local public transportation.

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