Parents should set limits

Parents should set limits

"Media pedagogy – media consumption – media dependency", this comprehensive topic confronted the addiction work group kulmbach in the district administration office. Camelia fiedler, executive director of the addiction work group, invited two profound speakers, stefan ranninger, lecturer at the state institute for teacher training in bayreuth, and katrin gnamm, social worker at the addiction counseling of the diaconal work of the bayreuth city mission, who made it clear that not only the media landscape is constantly changing, but also its stimuli and impulses.

The fact is that so-called digitalization has changed society in recent years. For young people in particular, the internet, mostly via smartphone, has become a constant companion in everyday life. And adolescents are particularly fond of social networking sites and online games. Constant access via smartphones can lead to problematic, addiction-like developments – which is why parents should get tips on how to talk to their children about the right mab of computer and media use.

Ranninger and gnamm made it clear that education and awareness-raising are urgently needed, because young people encounter problem areas on the internet for which they should be prepared. These range from rip-offs and violations of privacy to mobbing, identity theft and other criminal activities.

Ranninger used advertising as an example of how the media works: "A high proportion of advertising in children’s programs promotes unsuitable foods, and young children cannot yet distinguish between programs and advertising." The manipulative intent of the advertising is therefore only recognized by the children much later, which is why a ban on advertising food is in force in other countries.

Media also have an effect on the propensity to violence. Almost all studies saw a connection between the consumption of media violence and increased aggressiveness. The television is more of a strong factor and less of a cause. Numerous studies also show that health suffers as well. High television consumption is often associated with learning problems and poorer school performance. Rannniger: "the longer the media consumption, the lower the social skills, but also the school performance, because there is a lack of movement, time and emotions."

Gnamm conceded that there are no patent remedies: "what is too much, what is still good?? Unfortunately, we do not have a plan like this to give them." The social worker made it clear that the same applies to media as to other addictive substances: "in the beginning there is always controlled consumption, followed by increased or dangerous consumption, and finally abuse. And the dependence is characterized by loss of control."

The diploma thesis.-social worker, however: "children and adolescents can’t consume media in a controlled way, they simply can’t do it. And that’s where we, as adults, are called upon to set limits. It is very simple and yet so difficult."

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