Raiffeisenbank thanks multi-talent monika lunz

As a "woman for all cases, who can do many, many things very, very well" is how christine sengenberger, chairman of the board of management, described her employee monika lunz, who was recently honored for her 25 years with raiffeisenbank uehlfeld-dachsbach.

Monika lunz started on 1. After completing her training as a bank clerk in september 1991, she became an employee in the bank's market division, where she was entrusted with a number of special tasks, such as cleaning up operations and reorganizations. After completing a customer advisor course and taking a family break of almost two years, the jubilarian was given her first tasks in the area of business organization; later she was entrusted with business management responsibility for IT.

In the second step, a high-quality control function was needed in the securities business. Here, too, monika lunz stepped into the breach and acquired an enormous amount of knowledge. A special requirement was the assumption of the function of money laundering officer for the bank as a whole. In the meantime, this area of activity has also been expanded to include fraud prevention.

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